Thank you for inquiring about getting help with your marriage or relationship.
I have been workting with individuals and couples for over 40+ years.
I have successfully saved over a thousand marriages and I continue to do so by teaching and coaching couples on how to handle everything from infidelity to gaslighting to improving their communication.
I will be starting my next couples coaching program very soon, and I wanted to extend to you an "Early Bird" Registration link that I am offering for a very limited time.
My last Couples Coaching maxed out and some of you did not get in.
There are others who have been faithfully following me on Instagram and TikTok and I wanted to extend this "Early Bird" special to you as well.
In my last Couples Coaching Course I mentioned that I would not offer that price again as it was not viable but it was my desire to help as many couples as I could.
So, for a limited time I am offering the original price which you can get in on.
But I will be honest, this offer does expire so if you want to get in, I highly recommend you grab your spot now.
Just give us your name and email address and you will get all the information on enrollment dates, cost, length of program etc.
I look forward to seeing you on the inside and helping you with your marriage or relationship...
P.S. You can join alone! We have both men and women join without their partner, and spouses are coming on board with my help!
By giving me your name and email address you simply get access for the Early Bird offer and further information about my program.